Immersive interactive worlds for workshops for all age / exposure / performing arts
Digital Samovar company
Creation In Situ SonoPluie is a sound and ambulatory exploration from the Digital Samovar company revealing the invisibility that exists in the landscape.
Jongle Jingle Jangle
Acronote company
Realisation of scenic multimedia devices pour the show Jongle Jingle Jangle from the Acronote company.
Haikus Suite
Haikus Suite is an interactive installation created by Blue Yeti, inspired by haiku.
The essential is invisible
Multimedia rock show This new album from the collective Phosphene evokes a timeless dimension of humanity: the question of origins, possibles, of the afterlife, in philosophical quest, scientific, mystical sense of life, it comes to spirituality.
Virtual Tag
Don’t call the constabulary (but still tell your neighbors)! The strange luminous markings that are taking shape on the wall of the building, or there on the hillside, are not the work of aliens in need of conversation!
A call
Experimental show combining music, video, dance and new technologies.
Show staging the visual artist Pascal Garin in a performance-concert “sound painting”.
Electroacoustic pieces
Electroacoustic pieces composed et played by Blue Yeti
Tangible interfaces and physical models for musical expression
Work on the handling of physical models at the workshop “tangible interfaces and physical models for musical expression” organized in the GMEA (Group of Electroacoustic Music Albi) in November 2007 and March 2008.